Yesterday I went to my fortnightly art group and finished my painting of my Iris. Here is a picture I love it and have decided this is to hang in my bedroom.
Can you see the pink penguin in it Hubby always finds things in my paintings
Have decided also to begin assembling all the lovely hearts I have received into the quilt in August it will be three months since I lost my sister Barbara on the 15th of August so time now to start fresh. I have almost decided on the fabric I will use with the hearts. Take a look at the link and see the ones I like I like Blue space cloud Hand dyed Peacock and Bali texture Hand dyed Iris. Since I have just finished painting an Iris I am very partial to the iris fabric. Just need to save a few more pennies. For those that don't know about my hearts. I belong to a couple of online quilting groups and when someone is ill or loses a loved one the members make a heart in your colour choice and sew it to a cream square and send to you and then you can assemble them into a quilt I have received almost 100 hearts.
Well have procrastinated long enough here must get dressed now and face the day
Hugz Christina
Hi Christina
Your painting is lovely. I can see a bird in it, don't know if it is a penguin though.
I love your painting, can't see the penguin but can see a birds head.
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