Thursday 23 August 2007

The quilts and the circus

My progress with the "Quilts for Kids" program is progressing nicely. In the last couple of days I have received two lots of fabric donated. Which I quickly put to good use, Have a cot quilt on the way with fabric donated by Kali Neel. and plans for a single bed quilt using some pre cut blocks donated by Chocolate Coated.

Sister in Law is also working hard. Today we went fabric shopping and she has enough pale blue homespun for 24 blocks and she is going to embroider some pokemon characters and make 2 single bed quilts.

Tuesday August 28th is our coffee morning for interested people and although my letter wasn't published in this week's local paper I think we have at least 12 people interested. My plan is to have some blocks organised to distribute for visofixing and sewing and when they come back we will have enough blocks hopefully to assemble 1 cot quilt 1 boys quilt and 1 girls quilt. So we are well on our way to having our first quilts finished soon. My concern now is where to get the wadding from but I am letting it all take care of itself. When we need the wadding I am sure it will become available.

The circus has come to town. My granddaughter Amy was so excited she rang me to tell me there are elephants at the showgrounds. My favourite animal is an elephant. Then she made her mum ( my daughter) come pick me up and I had to be driven pretending I had no idea where I was going, to the showgrounds so she could show me the elephants We are going to the circus tomorrow night and the kids are all very excited . So is Grandma just quietly I have never been to a circus.

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