Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Delivering the Quilts

Yesterday was a wonderful day for our group. We Care-Quilts for kids. We delivered 27 quilts to Ronald Mc Donald House.

We set off from Myrtleford on our journey bound for Melbourne at 8am, not as sharp as hubby the driver wanted as one lady was a little late.It was a cold and foggy morning but the feeling in the bus was warm and happy. There were 10 of us including Hubby the driver and the hubby of an elderly lady as she was worried about leaving him home alone so we took him along.

Hubby said about two hours along the Hume highway on our way to Melbourne there was a Mc Donalds and he thought that was a good place to stop for our morning cuppa,he of course was thinking of the sausage mc muffin he could have. We all tried telling him he was wrong but you know men. Well when we arrived at where he thought the Mc Donalds was he realised he was wrong. But never mind we all had some lovely goodies to share with him and he didn't go hungry.

After a short break we were off again, and before long we were on the outskirts of Melbourne. Despite a few nearly wrong turns we found the street with not too many hassles. The staff were waiting for us with a lovely light lunch and a very welcome attitude. We were treated to lunch and two DVDs about the house and then a tour of the houses. It is a series of terrace houses two turned into accommodation which hold 37 rooms and 2 isolation rooms. They all are well equipped with everything you would need in a home away from home.

We presented them with the quilts and then we gave them a wall hanging to hang where they would like. And soon (almost 3 hours later) it was time to head for home we had a 3 1/2 hour journey ahead of us. Loaded up with our smiles and two huge platters of left overs we waved goodbye boarded our little bus and we headed for home.

We arrived home happy and tired after a wonderful day. I will share some photos with you all. There is one that looks like a tree. They call it the tree of life. It is absolutely beautiful. It is some beautiful polished wood for the trunk with gold leaves each one engraved with the name of someone or some company that has donated something to the houses and we were told we would be added.

So now our work begins all over again. We have 5 children locally who are suffering serious or life threatening diseases and we have promised them quilts then we will begin some more for Ronald Mc Donald house as we told them we will be bringing more soon.

Unfortunately there will be no end to the need for our quilts as long as there are sick children.

I hope you have enjoyed sharing part of our journey over the past ten months and I will be keeping you informed of our progress.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Finallyl!!!! An End to Our Hard Work

Well at last we are reaching an end to the last 10 months hard work. As most readers know I have been co ordinating a small group of willing workers and we have been making quilts for seriously ill children. We have been working hard making quilts to be distributed through Ronald Mc Donald house in Melbourne. At last we have reached that goal.

Wednesday June 11th 2008 we held and afternoon tea in the local church hall to display the quilts we have made, to present two quilts to families and draw a raffle we were running for a fund raiser. It was a wonderful day enjoyed by all who attended.

Also on Monday June 16th we have a bus trip planned to Ronald Mc Donald house to present the quilts. Hubby and I have just collected the community bus ready for tomorrow, hubby is driving and quietly looking forward to it I think.

I have made some mosaics of the the photos I took on Wednesday there is some shots of the quilts on display and the other one is of the quilts singularly you can check a previous post for the rest of the quilts.

So watch this space for the photos of our fun day in Melbourne.....

And what is next we start all over again making more quilts unfortunately there are still sick children out there....

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

A Gift from my friend

Received a wonderful surprise from my friend who by the way is in her 80s and never ceases to amaze me with her creativeness. She has been for want of a better word decorating shopping bags with panels, applique and cross stitch. And here is the one she gave me I just love it...

Friday, 2 May 2008

WE Care...Quilts for Kids update

I haven't posted here about the We Care quilts for kids for a while so thought better bring you all up to date.

We are currently running a raffle for a beautiful quilt it is 54 inches by 54 inches in soft pastel shades and beautifully quilted. Tickets can be obtained if you contact me. The raffle will be drawn on June 11th 2008. We are having an afternoon tea and displaying all the quilts we have finished in the past six months. Yes we have been going six months now. We are also having displays from the local quilt shop and scrapbooking shop as well as other items.

We are planning a trip to Ronald Mc Donald house in Melbourne on June 18th and we hope to deliver 30 quilts. We also have made a special quilt for the house to display to brighten their surroundings. As we are a non profit group we asked one of the local social clubs for assistance for our trip and we amazed they gave us a donation of $500 which is more than enough to for our trip there will be a large chunk left over to purchase more supplies. Of course the local paper covered the presentation of the donation and we made the front page of the paper and here we are they even have us on the Internet. I am the one accepting the cheque.


So as you can see although I have been quiet we have been busy and we are enjoying our work as much now as when we started and we have grown to eight very hard workers.I have included a photo of the quilt we are raffling but it is not a good photo but does show you the beautiful quilting.

Saturday, 26 April 2008

Scatterday I am finally here

Well better late than never they say so here I am.

The letter M. Easy for me, working on an initial quilt for a little boy Matthew so found all the categories there.

this quilt is being made through my Quilts for Kids Group we approached Matthew and asked him would he like a quilt. He said yes and decided on an initial quilt. Sent us a list of 12 things he wanted that started with M here are three of them

Music well that is self exploratory.

Dangerous. well most boys would deny it but they can be dangerous.

Cold Things. had to be a milkshake

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Scatterday!! Again!1

My goodness Scattterday comes around quickly. I really thought I would have trouble with today's letter However once I started it all fell into place.

Resturant....Now this was a hard one, no resturants in Myrtlefird that start with A. So we went to Albury yesterday (now that starts with A) alas I forgot my camera. Not to be beaten we found a resturant beginning with A and went in for a coffee thought they might have a postcard. No, no postcard but they had a flyer okay that will do I took it scanned and here it is....
Something you find in the dark....This was easy, granddaughter Amy blowing out her birthday candle. She turned 6 on Wednesday and as brother Sam and Daddy were away at Cubaroo she came for tea at grandma's and wanted a chocolate cup cake so I made a circle of 6 chocolate cupcakes with a large candle in the middle. Turned the light out (in the dark) and took her photo.
Turqouise....Was always going to be hard, I thought and looked all week. Had almost given up this morning when I had a shower and applied my moisturiser. "Aqua Depot" in a glass jar with a turqouise lid. Voila! I got it.

So looking forward to next week being a little easier.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Scatterday. I am cheating!!!!!

I am cheating today because I couldn't find any XRays, xylphone or any Xs at all for that matter. So it was opt out or cheat and I thought I'd cheat. This is what I decided.
Xcellent......I know it is spelt wrong but that is all I could think of.
XCELLENT Quilts.....made by XCELLent workers....for an XCELLent cause. Three Xs

These are just some of the 20+ quilts out group called "We Care" have made for Ronald Mc Donald house in Melbouren. We hope to deliver them real soon.

Hope I don't get Xited for cheating.......

Friday, 21 March 2008

Scatterday I am Early

I am early for Scatterday but have a busy morning tomorrow so thought I would post before going to bed.

This week the letter was N and N is for
Little.....Necklace...And this is a special necklace, a healing stone "moonstone" helps with panic and anxiety. It was bought for me by my husband and he didn't know what it was and until I realised for some reason I was able to leave the house without the panic neither did I. When I looked into what this stone was I realised it was the reason my panic had eased and now I wear it whenever I leave the house..
Human....Nanna....Nanna Kuhne almost 90 years old and wonderful Mother, Nanna and Great Nanna as this photo shows. She is my mother in law and a wonderful one at that. Four generations here. My Husband(son) my Daughter ( granddaughter) my Grand daughter(Great Grand daughter)
Mineral.....Natrojarrosite...Okay I cheated, googled mineral starting with N and this is one of the many that came up.. Natrojarosite (Sodium Iron Sulphate) is a Selenite_Crystal. Yellow-brown to brown-light yellow streak. Occurs in tiny crystals which are hexagon. It is translucent.
Look forward to seeing all the posts tomorrow and learning what we are working on this week.

Saturday, 15 March 2008

Scatterday here I am again

So good to back in the land of cyberspace. After our move in january I wasn't able to get broadband internet here so had to go back to dial up till they were abale to install satellite broadband which they did a couple of weeks ago. Now I am finally organised again and can participate in the fun of Scatterday.

Today's letter L is an easy one for me to start back with.

Household Items ....Loo, we always call it the loo in our house this one is in the laundry and my goodness look at the cobwebs when I loaded the photo I went straight away and cleaned them shows I don't look behind the loo doesn't it.

Things that are round...... Lid, I found the lid to my crayons sitting on my desk so was easy to photograph it..

Tools....Spirit level had to go and find it in hubby's shed and take a photo he had three hanging neatly on the wall so was easy also

Looking forward to next week hope it is just as easy.

Friday, 14 March 2008

My Goodness!! A whole month

I cannot believe it has been a whole month, but finally I am back in the land of bloggers. I couldn't be bothered when I was on dial up everything was so slow, but now I am on satellite it seems things have returned to normal and I can return to blogger land.

I will be participating in Scatter day again tomorrow.

Also I would love you to visit this blog and see the give away quilt, and tell them I sent you as I would love the quilt to add to the stash I am accumulating to deliver to Ronald Mc Donald house in April.

Watch this space as I will participate more now.


Friday, 1 February 2008

Back Again & Scatterday

Here I am back again sort of. After moving and waiting three weeks for the broadband connection, then to be told broadband is not available here I am now on Dial up.... so slow... I have made enquiries about Satellite and am awaiting the replies.
I haven't had a chance to catch up on the past three weeks but when I read the letter Z a feeling of dread washed over me. However Dear Hubby came to the rescue again and we were able to find three catergories without any trouble here they are.
Zebra....My favaourite tea mug with a funny looking Zebra on it.
Zantac.....The favourite remedy for indigestion, but doesn't work for heart attack as my hubby found out after he had pushed himself too far after we moved. Yes he is okay thank goodness but at least it has slowed him down
Zippers.....And here are two on a favourite winter jumper of mine nice and warm and sloppy covers all the bits
Look forward to seeing what everyone else has done and sending this early as with dial up I don't get on too early in the morning now wait till all the housework is done and then can sit and relax

Friday, 11 January 2008

Will be Missing In Action

Will be missing in action for the next three weeks. We are moving and they tell me it takes that long for the broadband transfer.
So no Scatterdays till further notice, will look forward to catching up when I return