Friday, 21 March 2008

Scatterday I am Early

I am early for Scatterday but have a busy morning tomorrow so thought I would post before going to bed.

This week the letter was N and N is for
Little.....Necklace...And this is a special necklace, a healing stone "moonstone" helps with panic and anxiety. It was bought for me by my husband and he didn't know what it was and until I realised for some reason I was able to leave the house without the panic neither did I. When I looked into what this stone was I realised it was the reason my panic had eased and now I wear it whenever I leave the house..
Human....Nanna....Nanna Kuhne almost 90 years old and wonderful Mother, Nanna and Great Nanna as this photo shows. She is my mother in law and a wonderful one at that. Four generations here. My Husband(son) my Daughter ( granddaughter) my Grand daughter(Great Grand daughter)
Mineral.....Natrojarrosite...Okay I cheated, googled mineral starting with N and this is one of the many that came up.. Natrojarosite (Sodium Iron Sulphate) is a Selenite_Crystal. Yellow-brown to brown-light yellow streak. Occurs in tiny crystals which are hexagon. It is translucent.
Look forward to seeing all the posts tomorrow and learning what we are working on this week.


cinzia said...

There are some pretty amazing healing stones around aren't there. Very interesting when one looks into it.

Anonymous said...

Lovely necklance and also lovely to have four generations of family together like that.

Lindi said...

Lots of original Ns there!
I love crystals and what they can do.

Michelle Watters said...

I love a good Nanna. Glad you have a superior one. And lovely photos of the family.

Birdydownunder said...

love the post. I think I must look for a moonstone. And in answer to was I really napping...yes. but I call it stress? lol

Dy said...

Oh wow, what a beautiful necklace!

Pennie said...

Terrific story with the Necklace and lovely four Generations... we have a healthy four in our family as well.