Saturday, 29 December 2007

Scatterday ...... The letter Y

Well the letter Y didn't prove to be as hard as I expected once I thought about it. Here is what I came up with

Green........Yuletide means Christmas season which we are just heading out of, so naturally what is green and associated with Yuletide. Christmas tree, now I could have just photographed the Christmas tree but that was too easy so I photographed two ornaments that are Christmas tree and green, one a beaded one which you need to look hard to see and another was given to me in a swap.......

School Days...... a little harder till I drove past the school yard the other day and saw it. A yellow slide in the school yard. So I asked Hubby to go back and photograph it for after all he likes playing this game too. He said I will get him locked up but he didn't and got the photo.

Animals....... We are a little short on animals starting with Y and I thought of Yabbies but hubby said enough was enough he was not going looking for yabbies in 30+ deg heat so I cheated and googled this one.......

So until next week that is it for us. Hubby and I.
I am off to do some more packing we are moving house in a little under two weeks

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Scatterday The letter S

Well here we are Saturday again, and it is Scatterday, I found today quite easy and took all but one photo this morning.

Christmas... Was easy as already had this photo, Sam with Santa and of course Amy is there also. Two of my beautiful grandchildren and look at the magic of Christmas in their eyes.

Medical Things..... Our local Dr's surgery such as it is taken this morning in the midst of the storm. Don't get me started on this surgery, we have one to service the town here and they are not very dedicated Drs. Took Hubby there this week, he has emphysema and his breathing is getting much worse, he has pain in his lung and a bronchial cough. Dr practically ignored hubby all he did was ask if he was still smoking and when hubby said yes he said I can't help you till you give up. Now I know their policy but hubby suffers PTSD and he has tried every way known to give up and not succeeded, so I do think the Drs should be a little more understanding. Well guess we now find a Dr in another town.

Beverages....... Soft Drink and this was all I had in the fridge, Lemonade for Amy as she likes upside down lemonade and cordial.(that is where you put the lemonade in first) Coke for Hubby and Ginger beer for me.

Okay Merry Christmas to all the fellow Scatterdaisies and looking forward to next week

Monday, 17 December 2007

Two More Quilts go to Children

Today we had our monthly GTG of our group Quilts for Kids. And we prepared blocks for three more quilts, two of which are already promised to children.

We were also able to share in the joy of presenting two more quilts.

Firstly we gave one to Maddie's brother Liam. You may remember we gave Maddie a quilt a little while ago. She is progressing well with her treatment for Leukemia. Well we like to give quilts to siblings in some cases and we believed in this case it was apt. So we made Liam a Pokemon quilt one of his favourite characters. We presented it to Liam's Aunt Nikki.

Then we gave little Blakey who is three and has Perthy's disease a degenerative disease affecting the hip. He was delighted and asked us could he keep it and we said of course and he said "good I am not letting the doctors or the hospital have it,I will tell them you said it is mine." A delightful little boy who may face two years of plaster casts.

So our supply of quilts is depleting so we will have to get busy and make more.....

Saturday, 15 December 2007

Scatterday the letter D

Scatterday again and I found this week difficult.Never the less I have managed to take some photos with the help of hubby as you will see

Sewing.... Was hard till I thought about it and founds some Dragon blocks that I have ready for a quilt for the quilt for kids group.

Vehicle.....Now this may be a cheater. DH's( Darling Hubby) car and he is a darling he drove all around town last night looking for a car that started with D and even went out to a mate's to take a photo of his Dodge truck but it wasn't there. So we had to settle for his car. Which technically isn't his car as it is registered in my name but he drives it the most.

Touchy Feely ........... Firstly our Dog Ebony she is definitely touchy feely and here she is begging for a scratch. Secondly two of my Darling grandchildren Amy and Sam, enjoying the wonderment of Christmas. Amy with the Advent Calender her clever mum my daughter ( Michelle ) made and then meeting Santa.

Onward to next week will go check what we have.

Saturday, 8 December 2007

No Scatterday again.

There is no Scatterday this week as I am afraid I have not had enough time, where the time has gone I do not know. Will make sure I get on the ball for next week.

My day so far......Firstly a quick tidy up as had the Quilt for Kids group was coming this morning to see two quilts presented. Then SIL arrived early crying help. She had forgotten how I told her to make the carry bag for one of the quilts so I quickly whipped that up giving me time to quickly wash the brekkie dishes and we even had time for a cuppa. Ladies arrived followed at 11 am by the mother of one of the babies and the great gran of the other. One baby is 12 weeks old and has a hole in the heart, had a stroke last week and is blind in one eye. She has an operation this coming Friday so keep her in your prayers. The other baby in Brisbane was born 3 months too early weighs about 600 grams and is not doing so well. Both were overwhelmed with the quilts and very grateful.

Then after all left Hubby arrived home and SIL stayed and had lunch with us. After she left I decided to make the Christmas puddings three in all. All Gluten free, they are cooking as I type, five hours cooking. Have to make three as we have Christmas dinner as a family Christmas Eve, then we go to SIL for Christmas lunch so that takes care of two and I give the third to a niece of my daughter's who is Coeliac also.

So now to decide what is for tea.....