Monday, 17 December 2007

Two More Quilts go to Children

Today we had our monthly GTG of our group Quilts for Kids. And we prepared blocks for three more quilts, two of which are already promised to children.

We were also able to share in the joy of presenting two more quilts.

Firstly we gave one to Maddie's brother Liam. You may remember we gave Maddie a quilt a little while ago. She is progressing well with her treatment for Leukemia. Well we like to give quilts to siblings in some cases and we believed in this case it was apt. So we made Liam a Pokemon quilt one of his favourite characters. We presented it to Liam's Aunt Nikki.

Then we gave little Blakey who is three and has Perthy's disease a degenerative disease affecting the hip. He was delighted and asked us could he keep it and we said of course and he said "good I am not letting the doctors or the hospital have it,I will tell them you said it is mine." A delightful little boy who may face two years of plaster casts.

So our supply of quilts is depleting so we will have to get busy and make more.....

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