Saturday, 8 September 2007


Today is Scatterday brought to you by the letter "R". Scaterrday was the brainchild of Dy and Michelle. Check out their blogs link to them below, "Random Applique".
The idea is to find 3 photos beginning with the chosen letter and in the 3 categories. This weeks letter was R and the catergories were The Arts, Childhood, The Plant world. Childhood I chose my old report card and photographed Ro Bear reading it. The plantworld was easy we have a beautiful red camellia bush growing in our front yard. The Arts was a little harder but took along my camera to my Art group on Tuesday and Iwas sure someone would be painting a picture beginning with R. Judith had just finished her painting titled Dick, I asked her was by any chance Dick's real name Richard and she said yes so I think her painting qualifies.

Next week will be a challenge the letter is "Q" and the categories are music clothing and square things. Wow this will be a challenge.
I must apologise for the scattered photos I am new to all this and they wouldn't go where I wanted them to go but lets say my Scatterday photos are really scattered.


Michelle Watters said...

Scattered photos are great. I love them all. Thank goodness Dick wasn't just Dick!

Di said...

Gorgeous camellias, Christina. You must have green fingers. An excellent first posting for Scatterday. Now, what on earth are we all going to come up with for next week?

Liz Needle said...

Clever photos Christina. A great first effort.
I like the photos the way you have done them. They are a much better size than mine.

Dy said...

Great choices for your photos Christina, love your bear!